CPPS Daily – Forkopimda Magelang Regency Pilgrimage and Sow Flowers to Heroes’ Cemetery

WWW.CPPSSITE.COM – Commemorating the 116th National Awakening Day (Harkitnas), the Magelang Regency Government held a ceremony and sowed flowers at the Giri Dharmo Loyo II Cawang Heroes Cemetery (TMP). The ceremony was attended by the Pj Regent represented by the Assistant to the General Administration of the Magelang Regency Setda, Asfuri Mufsis accompanied by a number of officials of the local leadership communication forum, Monday (20/5/2024).

Assistant to the General Administration, Asfuri Mufsis said, the ceremony as well as pilgrimage to TMP is a routine agenda for every Harkitnas commemoration, to commemorate and honor the services of heroes who died to defend the nation and country.

Previously, the Magelang Regency Government held a flag ceremony in the yard of the Magelang Regency Government Office which was attended by Forkopimda, ASN, TNI, Polri, and school teachers throughout Magelang Regency.

“This National Awakening Day should provide a new spirit in order to welcome Golden Indonesia,” Asfuri said after attending the ceremony and sowing flowers at TMP Giri Dharmo Loyo II Cawang.

He advised the community, especially the youth, to be able to emulate the warriors and predecessors who had fought.

“Therefore, the youth must prepare themselves, one of which is by increasing their knowledge and technology and skills to the maximum,” hoped Asfuri.

According to him, the community must also be able to participate in development, especially in Magelang Regency. In addition, as a good citizen must be able to think, act and behave well in order to provide the best to society, especially to youth and students.

“So we hope that all these dishonorable actions such as student brawls and so on will no longer exist in Magelang Regency. We must appreciate the services of our heroes who have sacrificed to liberate this nation so that we can go to school safely and comfortably until now,” Asfuri said.

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