CPPS Daily – Magelang Regency Government Holds Assessment to Map ASN Competency

WWW.CPPSSITE.COM – Magelang Regency Government through the Regional Education and Training Personnel Agency (BKPPD) carried out assessments/competency tests for 468 civil servants consisting of supervisory officials, functional officials, and implementing officials within the Magelang Regency Government. The assessment will be carried out for three days from Tuesday to Thursday, May 14-16, 2024 at the Computer Laboratory of SMK Negeri 1 Magelang.

Competency assessment / test for ASN is a measurement and assessment of technical, managerial, and socio-cultural competencies for ASN in carrying out the duties and functions of their position carried out by the assessor objectively in the context of talent mapping. Agency talent mapping is carried out on all employees at each level of position, high leadership positions, administrator positions, supervisory positions, functional positions, and executive positions.

On this occasion, the Regional Education and Training Personnel Agency (BKPPD) of Magelang Regency collaborated with the Regional Civil Service Agency of Central Java Province, which of course involved a team of assessors and professional psychologists to measure the potential and competence of each employee.

“The assessment participants totaled 468 civil servants divided into 3 (three) groups within 3 days, group I consisted of 116 participants, group II as many as 180 participants and group III, 172 participants”, explained Irma Normahayati, Head of Human Resources Development BKPPD, as the coordinator of the activity.

He added that his party plans to conduct an assessment of all civil servants of the Magelang Regency Government in stages every year.

“This is a form of Magelang Regency Government’s commitment in realizing competent, high-performance and professional civil servants in order to accelerate sustainable career development,” he added.

BKPPD Secretary Sungedi representing the Head of BKPPD who was present to directly review the activity said that as stated in PermenPAN-RB Number 3 of 2020 concerning ASN Talent Management, the assessment aims to be able to place civil servants into places or positions according to their competence. Then to keep someone who is appropriate in place, determine the direction of competency development for those who are still not suitable and also protect from politicization and policies that are contrary to the merit system.

“So the results of this assessment are expected to be supporting data in the preparation of competency databases for each ASN, planning for career development of civil servants in the process of promotion, mutation and rotation as well as preparing training needs analysis and training planning or competency-based training,” he concluded.

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