Incandescent Psychology #UnderstandingHuman



Loneliness is a deeply personal experience and at the same time a global phenomenon. Often we feel alone and suffer the most in loneliness, but it turns out that we are together in that suffering and loneliness. Loneliness is often seen as shameful, because it recognizes that we feel lonely as if we have failed as human beings by nature as social beings.

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IncandescentEditorial The Covid-19 pandemic has become an infuriating point in many aspects of human life. Not only the health aspect, but also on mental health. In Indonesia alone, the Ministry of Health said cases of depression during the pandemic increased by 6.5%.

Read More →IncandescentPsychologyEditorial Anisah ZuhriyatiLumbung InsightWhen Emptiness Dominates Our LivesAnisah ZuhriyatiLumbung Wawasan

At some point, we must have felt emptiness or boredom in life. This is a natural thing for everyone. The thing that distinguishes one person from another is the high and low levels of emptiness that are felt.

Read More →Anisah ZuhriyatiLumbung WawasanKoes Ayunda Zikrina PutriEditorialMillennial Era and the “Plague” of LonelinessKoes Ayunda Zikrina PutriEditorial

Modern life requires people to connect with anyone. Whether it’s with direct contact or through social media.

Read More →Koes Ayunda Zikrina PutriEditorialZahrah NabilaTheir Story, Lumbung InsightLonely? Who is afraid! (3) Zahrah NabilaTheir Story, A Barn of Insights

When lonely, humans can feel various things. It tends to be a negative feeling that can trap people in loneliness

Read more →Zahrah NabilaTheir Story,Zahrah Nabila Insight Barn, Lumbung InsightLonely? Who is afraid! (2) Zahrah NabilaTheir Story, Barn of Insight

It is undeniable that almost every human being has felt lonely. When feeling it, there is a void that may not be easily explained. Not all humans understand loneliness, know its causes, or deal with it appropriately.

Read More →Zahrah NabilaTheir Story, Lumbung Wawasan

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What’s Not Over

During this time, there was a conception that inner wounds would heal on their own over time. That eventually we will be able to forgive those who have hurt us. That our trauma will go away. That we will be fine. But, it’s all wrong. Healing inner wounds is not passive work.

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Working at Vakansi Travel was originally a great opportunity for Oksana to meet her idol in the band Cosmic. As marketing, he also designed overseas travel plans with the three members of the Cosmic band: Wing Zachary, Lilo Bhaskara, and Adolf Bhimantara. While diving… drinking water, that’s roughly Oksana’s plan. But unfortunately for the girl, her encounter with the idol even devastated her life.

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