CPPS Daily – Ahead of Vesak, Buddhists Hold Peace Ritual Larung Pelita Purnama Sidhi on Progo River

WWW.CPPSSITE.COM – Hundreds of Buddhists held the Larung Pelita Purnama Sidhi ritual in the Progo River channel, Borobudur District, Magelang Regency, Tuesday (21/05/2024) night.

Chairman of the MUNI Indonesia Council Rama Lama Santoso said the Larung ritual was part of Borobudur Peace and Prosperity activities in the Borobudur Temple area, Magelang Regency. Various Borobudur Peace and Prosperity activities on May 21-23, 2024 combine culture, art, and diversity whose main purpose is for the welfare and peace of the world.

“Larung Pelita is dedicated to the happiness of all beings,” Rama said at the event.

Meanwhile, the larung pelita ritual begins with a procession of offerings to the Progo River channel on foot. Not only monks and Buddhists, Larung Pelita Purnama Sidhi activities were also attended by artists and culturalists around the Borobudur area.

According to Rama Larung Pelita Purnama Sidhi, this is also a Buddhist prayer ritual before participating in the celebration at the celebration of National Vesak Tri Holy Day 2568 BE/2024 on Thursday, May 23, 2024 which is centered in the Borobudur Temple area.

While Borobudur Peace and Prosperity activities were held at Aksobya Park Borobudur Temple complex,

Among the darkness of the night of the Progo River channel, thousands of lamps were then released accompanied by a number of puja dances.

For Buddhists, the lamp is a symbol of prayer and hope for the creation of peace harmony in the world and the Indonesian nation in particular.

According to Rama, the stripping of lamps in river channels has long been carried out by Buddhists in a number of countries in the Southeast Asian region such as Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Where every time they release the lamp, people will write down their wishes and what is expected.

While the Progo River was chosen as the place for larung pelita because it is one of the fast-flowing rivers and is connected to the southern sea of Java.

The fire to light the lamp comes from the eternal fire taken at Mrapen Grobogan and has been buried at the altar of Mendut Temple.

“What is desired is affixed to the lamp so that all prayers and hopes continue like this river channel,” he explained.

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