CPPS Daily – The Work of TNI Service in Kartoharjo Village, Grabag Inaugurated

WWW.CPPSSITE.COM – Pj Regent of Magelang represented by General Administration Assistant, Asfuri Muhsis accompanied by the Head of Bappeda and R&D and the Head of DPUPR Magelang Regency attended the inauguration of the First Semester of 2024 TNI Service Work in Kartoharjo Village, Grabag District, Tuesday (21/5/2024).

Asfuri Muhsis expressed his highest appreciation and gratitude for the completion of this TNI Service Work activity. With this activity, it is hoped that the main development of facilities and infrastructure, especially roads in Kartoharjo Village, will be better.

He said that the service work carried out by the TNI in synergy with the Magelang Regency Government and the residents of Kartoharjo Village had carried out several things, including physical construction of road concrete rebates and non-physical activities in the form of distribution of basic food packages, socialization of FMD vaccination and counseling on national insight.

This activity is carried out in order to help increase the acceleration of development in the regions. This is a tangible manifestation of the TNI’s unity with the people, as well as proof of good cohesiveness and synergy between local governments, TNI ranks, and the community in improving the welfare and progress of the community.

“Therefore, we hope that what has been built through the work of the TNI service can be useful for the community, so that it can support the daily activities and activities of the residents of Kartoharjo Village. We also advise that all TNI Bhakti Works can be maintained, cared for and used as well as possible,” Asfuri said.

Chief of Staff of Kodim (Chaldean) 0705/Magelang Major Joko Nugroho said that for one month from April 15 – May 14, 2024, members of the TNI, Polri, Regional Government and local residents have worked hand in hand to complete TNI service activities in the first semester of 2024.

According to him, TNI service activities are very beneficial to the community, especially in accelerating development in the Magelang Regency area and improving community welfare.

Meanwhile, the priority activities carried out by Kodim 0705 / Magelang in this TNI service work include the construction of drainage canals with a length of 225 meters, a height of 0.7 meters, a base width of 1.1 meters.

Then the construction of concrete rebates with a length of 220 meters, a width of 3 meters and a thickness of 0.12 meters.

“Then the non-physical targets are counseling on national insight and defending the country of Kodim 0705/Magelang, socialization of FMD vaccination from the Peterikan Office of Magelang Regency and distribution of 30 food packages to underprivileged residents,” explained Major Joko Nugroho.

On the same occasion, several food packages were also handed over to underprivileged residents symbolically.

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