CPPS Daily – National Awakening Ignites Unity

Indonesia in 2045 will be a century old. An age that can be said to be mature. In that year, it is targeted that Indonesia has become a developed, modern, and equal country with the world’s superpowers both from the perspective of human resources, economy, and culture.

This obsession is certainly not just a dream, but needs to be realized with various plans from now on so that the goal can be achieved and not just a dream. This is the rationale for the emergence of ideas, ideas, discourses for the Golden Generation 2045. The age of 100 years has implications that Indonesia will experience a golden age in that year.

In connection with this obsession, the theme taken in the 2024 National Awakening Day is Rise for a Golden Indonesia. The theme was chosen so that the historical momentum of National Awakening Day could bring values, spirit and strength to rise towards a golden Indonesia. The term rise can be translated into a lighter to be followed up with continuous tireless effort. The main target is none other than real achievements, later it will be narrowed to the goals to be achieved.

Loaded with Meaning

Basically, National Awakening Day, which is commemorated every year, is not just a ceremonial euphoria. National Awakening Day is actually full of meaning that can be a trigger to look at a better, enlightening, and hopeful perspective of the future.

As a pioneering organization of the national movement, Budi Utomo, which was established on May 20, 1908, can be an indicator or marker of Indonesia’s rise from the shackles of colonialism. The birth and pioneering of the first modern organization in the archipelago could encourage the emergence of other movements and usher in Indonesian independence as aspired to together. The name Budi Utomo was chosen with the spirit of giving birth to nationalism simultaneously and not regional spirit like previous movements.

Budi Utomo, relevant to his name, contains a very deep philosophical and meaning, namely honest behavior, also nourishes the spirit of cooperation and solidarity. The community at that time also welcomed very enthusiastically. In less than one warsa, approximately 10,000 students from various regions in the archipelago joined Budi Utomo’s organization. An extraordinary movement, which grew out of public participation in the collective awareness of the importance of an independent and sovereign state (Kompas, 22/5/2020).

It is undeniable that the embryo born in Indonesia began with educated young people who did not lose their identity as children of the nation. The embryo of Indonesia was born from the diversity of young minds as the embryo of the nation. In their hands, the aspiration to achieve independence is designed and formulated together. They also believe that the independence they dream of will be achieved if social barriers are removed.

It was from them that the spirit of the National Awakening was born. National Awakening is a marker of the birth of a new age that can provide liberation and enlightenment for the benefit of mankind. The originator of a new way of thinking in achieving dreams. All were initiated by the pioneers of the national movement, such as Budi Utomo, Kartini, and the embryos of the nation, then formulated by Karno as a golden bridge.

In a more comprehensive sense, the commemoration of National Awakening Day has another elementary purpose, none other than that the Indonesian nation always renews the values of unity, unity and nationalism, both individual and group. In principle, these nationalism values need to be a concern for the priority scale.

As an expression of gratitude for the services of freedom fighters, it is fitting that independence is filled with development in all fields. It aims to make Indonesia a developed country, able to compete with other countries, as well as become a superpower that is taken into account, as the glory of the Majapahit Kingdom or Srivijaya.

In addition, National Awakening Day can be a source of nationalism spirit and public awareness to join themselves in organizational forums into one way that can be done to foster a sense of unity. What’s more, for today’s generation, National Awakening day can serve as a trigger to continue preparing for the increasingly competitive competition of the present era for decades to come.

Valuable Assets

Unity is a valuable asset in looking forward to a hopeful future, because it takes a great soul and a spirit of togetherness, nationality, and humanity. These disparities are actually used as treasury and sources of inspiration that add to the richness of ideas and inspirational ideas.

The nation’s future challenges will be easy when implemented together. Feeling that you have enthusiasm which in turn must care for and maintain survival, needs to be the main spirit so that unity can be realized as a national force whose distribution needs to be massive and simultaneous.

Moreover, with the demographic bonus of the productive age owned by the Indonesian nation in these two decades, it is ready to elaborate new innovations, for technological progress and economic growth. The opportunity for Indonesia to become a developed country in the next 10 to 15 years will be achieved by maximizing the demographic bonus.

To realize this obsession requires joint work of all components of the nation. The ability to work hand in hand, knit togetherness, complement each other’s shortcomings so far has proven that the Indonesian nation is able to change the wheels of transformation. The most elementary keyword is none other than the spirit of unity can be a parameter to achieve Golden Indonesia. The second National Awakening needs to be achieved by building a spirit of togetherness within the framework of national unity.

Happy National Awakening Day 2024.

By: Drs. Ch. Dwi Anugrah, M.Pd., Cultural Arts Teacher of SMK Wiyasa Magelang

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