CPPS Daily – Interesting, Dozens of Children with Disabilities Make Vesak Theme Batik

WWW.CPPSSITE.COM – The old car community of VW Tour Borobudur held batik mentoring and training for dozens of people with disabilities from the Bunda Borobudur Self-Help Foundation at the Bojong Mendut Orchid Garden Hall, Magelang Regency, Friday (17/05/2024).

Uniquely, the writing batik training raised a special theme, tolerance of the Holy Celebration of Vesak 2567 BE/2024.

Apollo Widhiatmoko, the organizer of the batik making activity, said that this batik training has an important meaning about tolerance lessons for people with disabilities. As for the theme of working according to their imagination about Vesak. This is because it coincides with the momentum ahead of Vesak in May 2024.

“So that the results can be seen that there is a picture of the stupa that is implied in their respective minds. In addition to educating, we also teach good things, one of which is tolerance, “said Apollo who is managing the Apollo tour VW Borobudur on the sidelines of the activity.

This batik making activity is also a means of sharing Borobudur tourism actors. Children with disabilities are chosen because the hustle and bustle of tourism sometimes forgets to forget there is more to do and help.

Incidentally, he continued, we work with Swadaya Bunda, which we prefer is the mentally impaired who have passed the education period so that we prepare him to be independent through training as much and as long as possible.

This skill activity is an ongoing program that will be held three times a week with various materials ranging from batik making, and in the future will train several other things that can be applied to their daily lives.

“We hope only to lead them to become self-sufficient,” Apollo said.

The participants seemed enthusiastic in batik making. They occasionally joke while moving the tip of the canting ink on a white cloth. Various Vesak-themed batik motifs are created such as pictures of temple stupas to Vesak congratulations.

Chairman of the Bunda Borobudur Swadaya Foundation Istining Rahayu appreciated this batik making activity, because it was in accordance with the school’s mission, which is to empower disability. So far, the Bunda Borobudur Swadaya Foundation has been purely engaged as a free therapy forum for children with special needs such as occupational therapy, visiotherapi, speech therapy and others.

Then, continued Istiningsih for children who are independently able to educate able to train, the foundation provides training, one of which is batik making, making gels, cakes and other skills. So with the creativity of writing batik, it not only sharpens imagination through pictures and patience but also gives birth to interactive social sensitivity so that children can appreciate differences, appreciate followers of other religions who celebrate Vesak Day.

“Moreover, this is Vesak Day which is centered on Borobudur Temple, of course, we must appreciate children with special needs so that they can provide color and greetings to give messages Happy Vesak in 2024,” he said.

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