CPPS Daily – KPU Ensures Zero Candidates for Independent Regent

WWW.CPPSSITE.COM – The General Elections Commission (KPU) of Magelang Regency ensures that no candidates for regent and deputy regent of Magelang will run in the 2024 regional elections for individuals. Because until the last day of the deadline, there is no submission of spousal support conditions.

For the submission of support requirements for prospective individual spouses, it starts from May 8 to 12, 2024. This is in accordance with KPU Decree Number 532 of 2024 concerning technical guidelines for fulfilling the requirements for spousal support for individual candidates in the 2024 elections for governor and deputy governor, regent and deputy regent, as well as mayor and deputy mayor.

Chairman of the Magelang Regency KPU, Ahmad Rofik said, on the last day of submission of support requirements documents at 23.59, no candidates registered.

“In Magelang Regency, there are no prospective spouses of individual candidates who submit support conditions,” he said, Wednesday (15/5/2024).

As stipulated in the Magelang Regency KPU Decree Number 1266 of 2024, the minimum requirement for support for individual candidates in the Magelang Regional Election is 65,494 people. Spread across at least 11 of the 21 sub-districts.

“Because of the minimum requirements and the distribution of support for individual candidate pairs in the 2024 Magelang regent and deputy regent elections are 65,495 supporters,” he concluded.

However, continued Rofik, there were only community leaders who consulted about the candidacy for the 2024 Magelang Regent. Both at the KPU office and through helpdesk services.

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