CPPS Daily – Silomas Application Expected to Facilitate Registration and Reporting of CSOs

WWW.CPPSSITE.COM – In an effort to facilitate Community Organizations (CSOs) in registering and reporting periodic activities, the National and Political Unity Agency (Kesbangpol) of Magelang Regency initiated the creation of the SILOMAS Application (Community Organization Service Information System).

This was conveyed by the Head of Kesbangpol Magelang Regency, M. Taufik when chairing a coordination meeting entitled Building a Joint Commitment to the “Silomas” Change Project, in the meeting room of Kesbangpol Magelang Regency, Tuesday (21/5/2024).

Taufik explained that the periodic reporting carried out by mass organizations so far was not optimal. For this reason, it is hoped that Silomas can answer these obstacles.

“This registration and reporting was still done manually. For this reason, hopefully with Silomas, everything will become digital and make it easier for reporting and registration,” hoped Taufik.

Taufik explained, Kesbangpol collaborated with the Magelang Regency Communication and Information Office in working on the application. According to the Head of Kesbangpol, reporting carried out by mass organizations is periodic every 6 months. So that the Silomas application will facilitate the process.

“In addition, the public will also be able to see how many mass organizations have entered the application. So that the public will also be facilitated in obtaining information related to this mass organization,” he explained.

Taufik said that currently in Magelang Regency there are 168 mass organizations registered in Kesbangpol, Magelang Regency.

“This is also in line with the expectations of the Regent, namely the strategy of realizing active mass organizations in Magelang Regency. Hopefully, all lines can support this,” he continued.

Representing the Magelang Regency Sub-district Community, Suparyanto welcomed the design of the Silomas application. According to him, the application will make it easier for him to be able to identify mass organizations that have been registered in Kesbangpol, Magelang Regency.

“This application will certainly be very useful for us at the sub-district level. So we can identify mass organizations that have been registered in Kesbangpol, so as to minimize the negative potential caused by unscrupulous mass organizations,” he said.

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