CPPS Daily – Walubi Targets 8,000 Free Medical Patients at Borobudur Temple

WWW.CPPSSITE.COM – Representatives of Indonesian Buddhists (Walubi) together with a number of institutions will hold a free medical social service at Borobudur Temple on May 18-19, 2024. This social service is in order to welcome the celebration of the Tri Suci Waisak 2568 BE/2024.

This year, Walubi again targets as many as 8,000 patients in free medical social services at Borobudur Temple. Because last year, Walubi successfully carried out 7,134 actions. The patients also come from various regions outside Magelang.

Vesak Public Relations Coordinator 2568 BE/2024 Eric Fernando explained that the treatment was given free of charge to the community.

“There are a number of treatments carried out in collaboration with various institutions and related agencies,” he said, Thursday (16/5/2024).

He detailed, there are general and specialist treatments as well as dental poly for extractions, fillings, and tartar. Then, there is eye poly. The public can check their eyes, cataract surgery, and provide free reading glasses for up to 1,000 pieces. Surgery, minor surgical operations of lumps and cleft lips.

Tanto added, for people who want to become patients of Vesak social service treatment, they can register directly at Lumbini Park, Borobudur Temple complex. However, especially for patients with eye/cataract surgery, minor surgery, and cleft lip are required to take part in screening.

The screening was carried out on Friday (5/17/2024) at 08.00-14.00 at Griya Vipassana Avalokitesvara (GVA) Vihara, Mendut.

“We are targeting 8,000 patients to take part in this free treatment,” said Coordinator of Vesak Social Service 2568 BE/2024 Jeffri S. Tanudjaja.

The free medical social service will later be assisted by hundreds of doctors and hundreds of health workers from across institutions. Such as the Central Java Provincial Government, Kodam IV / Diponegoro, Central Java Police, Puskesad, Diskesau, Diskesal, Police Health Center, Magelang District Health Office, Soedjono Magelang Hospital, Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta, Paramita Balaraja Holy Hospital Tangerang, and others.

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