CPPS Daily – Vesak Peak 2568 BE, Borobudur Tourist Hours Restricted

WWW.CPPSSITE.COM – Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur (TWC) will apply restrictions on visiting hours for tourists.

Spokesperson for PT Taman Wisata Candi (TWC) Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko Ryan Eka Permana Sakti said that tourist visits to Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java at the peak of the Trisuci Waisak 2578 BE celebration on Thursday (23/5/2024) will be subject to time restrictions. Visitors are only allowed to board until the specified time limit.

In addition to respecting Buddhists, restrictions in zone one were carried out to give time for the committee to make a number of technical preparations so that vesak celebration activities in Borobudur ran smoothly.

“Visitors can be served from 06.30 to session four, which is at 11.30 WIB,” said Sakti when met at the main clan of the Borobudur Temple complex, Tuesday (21/5/2024).

According to Sakti, there are a number of time restrictions for tourists in zone one, namely in the temple grounds and up Borobudur Temple to session four from 11.30 to 13.00 WIB. Then continued the conditioning process related to the series of Vesak seconds worship and will later be followed by a lantern festival.

Sakti added, while for visitors in zone two or in the Borobudur Temple park area, there is no time limit, but it is urged not to disturb the technical team in preparing for the lantern festival event.

“Regular visiting hours in zone two are still the same as usual, but we hope that later visitors can help us in the preparation process related to the entry and exit of teams to prepare technical Vesak celebrations,” he added.

In addition to giving time for the Vesak committee to prepare activities to expedite the event, TWC has also prepared a number of steps regarding parking bags. It is predicted that at the peak of Vesak or lantern festival more than 100 vehicles both two-, four-, and six wheels will come.

The existence of the parking pocket, continued Sakti, is managed by local residents.

“Parking pockets that have been coordinated and have been prepared by various parties. What is clear is that there will be two large pockets, the first in Janan and Ngaran hamlets, as well as the Muhammadiyah field,” he explained.

Usually TWC provides eight visiting sessions for tourists who go up to the Borobudur Temple building structure. As for the Vesak Seconds on Thursday (23/5/2024), only four sessions are allowed, namely at 11.30 WIB. While the seconds of Vesak celebration were held at 20.52.42 WIB which previously held various series of Vesak celebrations such as social services, free medicine, rituals of taking eternal fire, and blessing water which will be followed by tens of thousands of Buddhists.

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